Instructions for authors

This journal provides an opportunity for publishing original scientific papers related to specific issues. Papers are reviewed. Only those papers are accepted which have not been published in, or offered for publication to other journals (based upon the author's declaration). The contribution of co-authors must be acknowledged according to the law relating to authorship. Papers can be presented in English, Czech or Slovak. The author is formally responsible for the accuracy of the paper. The editor will have the final decision on publication of the paper having regard to the scientific importance of the contents and the references of academic reviewers.

The structure of the paper should be set out according to the conventions for scientific writing. Scientific papers dealing with the humanities (economics, law, political science, etc.), without any exact equivalent at the scientific methodological level, should respect all the rules for scientific writing in the relevant scientific field.

Headline (the title of the work) should be brief, providing clear information about the paper's contents (up to 10 words - not more than 80-85 letters including spaces). Where the paper is written in Czech, the headline is firstly given in Czech, then in English. For papers in English, the headline is in English first, and only if practicable, followed by the headline in the Czech language.

The author's name - first name, then surname without degrees.

Abstract - first, and in the English language. It must clearly define the aim of the research, and give a brief description of the experiments, researches, results and conclusions. It should have no more than 200 and no less than 100 words. Do not quote work which is already known. Do not repeat the title of the paper.

Key words in English, and not more than 5. It is acceptable to use key words valid for CAB, sorted from general to special. Use a semicolon between keywords.

Abstract in the Czech language. The same rules apply as for an abstract in English. For papers in English, the abstract and keywords are presented in Czech only if possible.

Introduction contains the items necessary for an understanding of the topic, a short reason for carrying out the research. It is possible to quote other authors relating to the topic. Large historical overviews are not appropriate.

Materials and methods describe the materials and methods to enable repetition. The description of the methods in detail is necessary only when the work is completely original, otherwise it is sufficient to quote only the originator of the methods and variations from that method. It is appropriate to describe briefly the method of obtaining the data and information used in the paper.

Results - include brief results, setting out the observed phenomenona. The use of graphs and charts is recommended. The graph should not be merely a copy of the table, but should show new facts. The tables contain the results of statistic analysis of values; hey should not be a survey of measurements. The results description is brief containing only factual statements, not the author's conclusions and deductions.

Discussion evaluates findings and results, comparing them with other interpretations. Make comparisons with earlier published papers, if they are closely connected to the work. If the character of work requires it, it is possible to combine the results' description and discussion into one part.

Conclusion includes basic information about material and methods and is intended to show briefly, new and essential findings. It is a non-critical choice of the important elements of the paper including the main statistical information. It is written in whole sentences, not in note form.

References Only such references as are a real base for the paper should be presented. The list of references should be numbered in brackets in alphabetical order. The form of quotations should respect the international standard ISO 690.

The quotation of scientific journals should include: author's surname (comma), abbreviation of the name, (stop)(colon), full name of the work (stop), official name of journal in italics (comma), year of issue (comma), volume (comma), number of issue (comma), the first and the last page (stop), ISSN (stop). Before the number of the issue use the abbreviation "è." or "no.", before the first and last page number use the abbreviation "s." or "p.". Where there is more than one author a semicolon is used between names.

The quotation of books should include: author's surname (comma), abbreviation of the name (stop)(colon), full name of the book (stop), the number of edition (stop), the place of issue (colon), publisher (comma), year of issue (stop), number of pages (stop), ISBN (stop). After the number of pages the abbreviation "s." or "p." is used. Where there is more than one author a semicolon is used between names. In the text the reference is presented by the author's surname using capital letters and by the year of edition (both in parenthesis). For example: (STIGLITZ, 1997). Only references quoted in the text of paper should be presented in the list of references.

Authors address. The author presents his/her address and address of co-authors as the last information in the paper. He/she presents full name, surname, degrees, complete address and City Code, telephone number, fax, and e-mail.

Technical form of writing,

Papers are accepted only in the form of word processed documents, preferably using Microsoft Word or other compatible word processor, keeping to the following settings and arrangements:

- The page layout: format A4, all margins 2.5 cm, line spaces 1.5 for reviewer, 1 for final document, paragraphs aligned.

- The title of the paper: (in English reps. in Czech or Slovak), Arial, font size 11, capital letters, bold, centered.

- The name of author (authors) is presented without academic title and without address, Times New Roman, font size 10, bold, centered.

- Abstract and key words: font size 10, the word "Abstract" in Arial bold, and centered, the text of abstract in Times New Roman, lined in bloc.

- Headlines: font size 10, bold, Arial, centered.

- Text of the paper in Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 1, after titles space 6pt. The first line of each paragraph is indented 0.5 cm., all paragraphs aligned in blocs. The space after each paragraph 6pt.

- Tables can be presented directly in the text or as enclosures. Dimensions of the charts (including the title) should not be over the width and height of the page as limited above. The name of the chart can be in Czech and in English; it is possible to use Czech texts in the chart but the English translations should be given under the chart. Each table must be of the same style (Times New Roman, size 10).

- Graphs - maps, illustrations, schemes, etc., should always be of a quality suitable for printing. The graph's dimensions including all descriptions should not be bigger than page dimensions mentioned above. The name of the graph and all descriptions used in the graph should be in English and if possible in Czech (or Slovak). References to all tables, graphs and enclosures must be presented in the text.

- The abbreviations used should only be internationally valid symbols. The abbreviation must be explained in brackets when used for the first time. Please do not use abbreviations in titles.

The scientific paper should not be more than 10-12 pages long, including enclosures.

For authors whose paper is linked with the project of some grant institution and is part of a partial or final report on a research project, it is appropriate to indicate that the information in the paper was obtained by means of a specific grant project (name of the project and its number) and that the paper is part of the output of a specific project.

The paper will not be accepted if it does not correspond with these instructions.

Papers for reviewing are sent to the editor's office in two printed copies with spacing 1.5. The final versions of papers are submitted to the editor's office in one printed copy and by e-mail or on floppy disc.
